Climate Smart Agriculture
A Project Supported By Iki Small Grant( Giz Of Germany)
Agragamee ha s successfully implemented a Project on CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE (CSA) which was implemented at Kashipur Block of Rayagada District, Odisha India . It was supported by IKI Small Grant of GIZ Germany. The Project Period was from 01-08-2021 to 31-12-2022. TheHighlight of the Project and its Achievements are as follows:
1200 nos. of small landholder farmers (Male – 400 nos., Female –800 nos.) trained on Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) in 20 nos. of training programme.
1200 small landholder farmers are practicing agro-ecological farming, CSA in 485 ha.
485 hectares area covered under cultivation of minor millets, pulses and vegetables.
200 small landholder farmers have established 1200 compost pit, prepared and used organic liquid manure in 25 villages.
Adoption of improved farming practices such as System of Millet Intensification (SMI), Mixed
Cropping by 1200 farmers in 1200 acres of land in 25 villages.
5 exposure visits have been conducted for 50 small landholders, enhanced awareness and collective actions on climate change issues and challenges.
10 persons trained in 2 Project Cycle Management trainings.
Exposure visits of the Farmers and the Staff to see the best practices.
Mobilisation of Community Leaders to adopt CSA by regular interface meetings.
Jackfruit Grafts have been distributed to 1200 small landholders
Awareness Generation among a population of 30,000 on CSA through meetings and distribution of IEC Materials. 10 leaflets and 2 Booklets were designed, printed and disseminated.
Promotion of Local Paddy Varieties under Climate Smart Agriculture by 1200 Small Land Holders in 286 Ha.
5000 more farmers have been influenced by the practices for climate smart agriculture taken up by the
1200 trained farmers and have started climate smart agriculture practices on their own
Demand for Jackfruit Plantation and Processing has enhanced.
IKI Projects

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